

The origins of Nadi astrology, is traced back to Vaitheeswaran Koil, a temple in Tamil Nadu (India), dedicated to Lord Shiva. We are not just one of the oldest but also the most acclaimed astrology centre worldwide having customers in around 86 countries. Thus it continued attracting the attention of global community for delivering predictions of high precision at a reasonable price.

The Naadi centre at Vaitheeswarankoil was inaugurated and brought into light by Guruji VR.Sivasakthy Siva    as the chief Nadi Astrologer. Born into a traditional Valluvar family of priests practising astrology who are engaged in the Pooja or worship of Lord Shiva, Guruji VR.Sivasakthy Siva    inherited the approach to expeditiously analyse the fortunes of the people.

It all started from Guruji Mavi, the great grandfather and S. V. chandru, his son who delivered predictions based on this website. Over the years, the preservation of sacred palm leaf manuscripts on which the past, present and future events of life have been recorded got tough and eventually lead to scarcity of the scripts, regarded to be the work of Vedic sages. So, the father Mavi, although has based his predictions originally on Siva Nadi, later began pursuing predictions from Agasthya Nadi. The ancestors of Guruji VR.Sivasakthy Siva    belonged to Meikandanadhar gothra or lineage hailing from Vaitheeswarankoil of Tamilnadu in India.

The family had major control over most of the original palm leaves or manuscripts containing Nadi jodhida (Jothishya) predictions. The wealth of information about herbs and medicines, science and art, contained by Nadi palm leave manuscripts has gained the attention of British. During the British rule, the original Nadi leaves which were preserved in Thanjavur’s Saraswati Mahal Library have been commissioned by London. However, the original Naadi Astrological palm leaves still remained in India as the colonialists could not fathom the value. These were accessed on a lease basis from the British during 1850 and 1875. The families of astrologers at the Vaitheeswaran Temple thus have long been associated with the practice of predicting future. Highly disciplined from a young age, while being trained to perfection in reading and interpreting ‘Naadi’ under meticulous supervision of his father, Mavi, Guruji VR.Sivasakthy continues to extend the legacy of delivering accurate predictions.

For about three decades now, the divine knowledge of Nadi Astrology has been passed down the years from one generation to the other. Nadi Astrology is an approach to know the present and eventual fate of the people from the antiquated palm leave records, made by Rishi munis through their profound knowledge. Those records are being protected in the vault of this Astrological House.

Almost 2000 years prior, the considerable sages of yore, through sheer instinct comprehended prescriptions,stargazing, soothsaying and a few different branches of fundamental human information and deciphered them on palm leaves as manuscripts. We can state definitively that every one of the progressions in the field of science and innovation, owe their source to these antiquated works.

The Rishis were heavenly sages and edified holy people, who focused themselves in on the one “Celestial BEING PARAMATHMA”. They far surpassed the forces of individuals. More than that, they could know the future by their premonition. With this premonition; the Rishis like Agastya, Koushika, Vasista, Maha siva Vakkiya, Kaha bhujanda, Bogar, Valmiki, Atri, Brigu, Sukar and so on have given forecasts for the prosperity of the humankind that possesses this world. Give us a chance to take for example a specific snapshot of a day; numerous lives are conceived in this world; human lives, plants, worms, creatures and so on.

The Rishis and siddhas have overlooked the later and bound their forecasts just to individuals and that is too just to the bound and not for every one of the people rise on this planet. Forecasts are given to people, who the Rishis out of their shrewdness visualized, will approach to acquire these expectations through this sacred content. The correct age in which each such individual, will want acquiring these expectations, has additionally been engraved on the palm leaves by the Rishis and siddhas.The forecasts were recorded on palm leaves , similar to some other expressions, sciences and stargazing of old days. They utilized a particular style that is known as Devanagiri.